At Ripley Rockets we, as part of the FA, seek to build a safe, enjoyable and inclusive environment for all children and young people. If you – parent, carer or player – have any concerns about the well-being of a child or the behaviour of any adults related to Ripley Rockets, in the first instance you should contact:
Ripley Rockets Club Welfare Officer:
John Gaunt – Mob: 07401259528
Or alternatively you can contact:
Welfare Officer, West Riding County Football Association:
Paul Ratcliffe –
Fleet Lane, Woodlesford, Leeds, LS26 8NX
Tel: 0113 282 1222, Mob: 07912 309565
We have also provided the contact details and links to a variety of other organisations below:
Call Childline on 0800 1111 or go to the for advice and support.
If you have concerns about a child or young person please contact the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000 or by emailing
NSPCC website.
For those of you who have had children with us for a few seasons you will be familiar with the ethos of the club which is for both children and parents/carers to enjoy their football in a friendly and safe environment. The club is part of the Nidderdale League which encourages this friendly environment in a non-competitive league. To re-enforce this all parents/carers have been asked to read and agree to comply with the FA Respect charter as part of our registration process. In addition we would ask that you to watch the brief videos on the FA Respect charter and specifically parent/carer behaviour;
For more information see the Respect Code of Conduct – This covers the conduct of Young Players, Spectators and Parents/Carers, Coaches, Team Managers and Club Officials & Match OfficialsIf you do have any welfare or safeguarding concerns please contact either Paul SImpson or the Club Welfare Officer – John Gaunt.